List of products by brand Sennheiser

Sennheiser recognized brand in the fields of professional audio and also aimed at individuals.


The world of audio reveals many treasures: new dimensions of listening, remarkable sound experiences and sensations to give you the chicken flesh. Sennheiser, strives to offer such experiences on a daily basis. Since their beginnings, 75 years ago, Sennheiser is one of the leading manufacturers of headphones, headphones, speakers, microphones and wireless transmission systems.

Sharing the future of sound and creating exceptional audio experiences for customers, here are the objectives shared by employees and partners of Sennheiser all over the world.

Two poles, 21 subsidiaries and approximately 2,800 employees: together, we create the sound of excellence of Sennheiser.

75 years of experience and a well-established start-up spirit.

A welded team.

An international brand close to its customers

When Fritz Sennheiser founded the company in 1945, it started a project that would be called "start-up". Although the adventure did not start in a garage, the company's history is very similar to the traditional stories of start-ups since it was born in a farm near Hanover. Fritz Sennheiser quickly discovered high-growth business opportunities and took advantage of its knowledge and skills acquired during its scientific past to meet a significant demand in the field of measuring devices and microphones.

This is how this adventure began focusing on innovation and the search for new ideas.

Since 2013: Dr. Andreas Sennheiser and his brother Daniel Sennheiser share the management of the company.

In 2013, Dr. Andreas Sennheiser and Daniel Sennheiser become executive directors of Sennheiser electronic GmbH ' Co. KG. Together, they co-lead society and share equal rights in the form of a double direction for which they both have full responsibilities. Since 1996, Dr. Jörg Sennheiser presided over the supervisory board Sennheiser, before leaving its place in 2015.

In 2014, Sennheiser founded its new subsidiary « Sennheiser Streaming Technology GmbH (SST)", which aims to develop streaming solutions for software and hardware.

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